Jody LS Tidwell


Teaching philosophy


There is an innate trust that surfaces from the innocent mind of a child who is seeking answers. As adult teachers, we should encourage a renewal of that innocent, unrestrained quest in our students, opening an infinite world of possibilities from which one can draw for the creative arts.

Artists of theatre have access to vast amounts of information and research that they must filter and narrow selecting only the most pertinent information for each creative project.  When an artist reveals their original approach to a project, the educator needs to be patient, allow time for mishaps, encourage exploration of alternatives, and mentor the student in the search for the final outcome.   In theatre, a commitment is made by artists to find a common language within the design elements, to communicate in collaboration until the common thread is understood.   We value and encourage thinking that is outside the box.   The field of technical theatre encourages originality, learning by doing, and repetition in the same way a young child learns to tie his shoe laces.   This “hands on experience” is superior in quality for all individuals in learning and retaining the skills needed to continue in the technical aspect of the creative arts.

As unique, creative individuals we travel through life being exposed to a multitude of experiences.   What we remember from these experiences and what we contribute to future endeavors is determined by our interaction at the time.   My teaching philosophy is best summarized by a Chinese Proverb that says, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”  

Lighting & Sound Technology
Introduction to Theatre
Student Lighting Designers
Tidwell Productions
Personal Statement
Teaching Portfolio
My Family
Web Sites